


Western wants to help all students and employees find the resources they need to feel safe from sex discrimination, 性骚扰或暴力, 还有其他危害. Nearly every Western employee can help you begin the process of leaving dangerous situations and relationships, 坚持平等对待的权利, 实现你的梦想.

Sexual 骚扰 is an umbrella definition that includes the offenses of sexual 骚扰, 性侵犯, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力和跟踪. 任何人都可以对他人实施性骚扰行为, 无论性别如何, 性取向, 和/或相关人员的性别认同.

如果你不安全, 或者如果你需要紧急帮助:拨打911或西部安全办公室:608-785-9191. 性侵犯发生后,应尽快就医. 

参观 安全及保安网站 有关校园安全工作的更多信息.


Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972 (amending the Higher Education Act of 1965) is the federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in educational institutions. 本法编入《加拿大28》第20卷第38章第1681-1686条. 该法案也被1987年的《加拿大28》(“第九条”)所修正。.

的 law states that "no person in the United States shall on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, 被剥夺…的利益, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance." 的 amendment in 1987 expanded the definition of "program or activity" to include all the operations of an educational institution, 政府实体, 或者接受联邦基金的私人雇主.​ 

西方禁止一切形式的非法歧视, 骚扰, 恐吓, 在校园和学院的相关活动和职能中实施胁迫. 西方对不当性行为采取强硬立场. 的 College seeks to create and maintain a campus free from sexual 骚扰 by using a combination of education, 编程, 培训学生和员工, 明确的政策, 对任何违反这些政策的行为进行一致的制裁. 学院的第九条协调员, 由跨职能委员会提供支持, 协助确保合规. 人力资源办公室, 还有学生生活办公室, provides trained investigators to address any reported issues of sexual misconduct involving staff and/or students.​​​​​​​

违反教育法第九条的指控, or inquiries or concerns regarding Western’s Title IX policies and procedures can be made to the Title IX Coordinator:

第九章协调员 学生




第九条为怀孕或假怀孕的学生提供保护, 生孩子还是领养孩子, terminate a pregnancy or have a miscarriage with special services as it provides to students with other temporary conditions. 作为一名有以下情况的学生,你有权:

  • 而不是被要求退学或改变教育计划 
  • 他被提供了一个舒适的挤奶空间 
  • 由于怀孕相关的预约(产前预约),可以免课, 生, 流产或遵医嘱卧床休息) 
  • 不要因为请假而扣分 
  • 他有机会因借口缺勤而补课 
  • 不能因为怀孕而受到骚扰 

第九条不涉及儿童保育问题, 亲密时间或类似的育儿情况和挑战. What is meant by the context of Title IX is the medical recovery from the above conditions listed.


Western has designated Wellness rooms for personal use, including lactation (breast pumping). 根据威斯康星州的法律, women may breastfeed their child in any area where the general public is allowed to go. 

健康室位于科尔曼252室, 学生成功中心110室, 行政大楼219室. 

所有的房间都有一个小冰箱,椅子,和锁从里面. 应该有一个滑动条显示房间何时在使用. 


Some of the same protections and accommodations apply to fathers as well; however, 在某些情况下, fathers will not receive the same accommodations due to the nature of pregnancy and recovery.


为所有西方学生提供怀孕和育儿住宿. For accommodations, contact Kris Follansbee, Manager of 访问服务, at 608-785-9875 or follansbeek@ainprest.com


  • 鼓励怀孕的学生, 但不是必需的, to contact the Title IX Coordinator and Manager of 访问服务 early in their pregnancy. Accommodation rights are not made until you have contacted Access Service and completed the required paperwork.
  • Western's 访问服务 will guide the student in obtaining appropriate medical 医生umentation of their condition and the medical basis for accommodations. 住宿是根据医疗提供者的决定实施的.
  • 访问服务 will work with the students and their instructors to implement the accommodations.
  • 的 student is ultimately responsible for obtaining the appropriate medical 医生umentation. 访问服务 will help guide you through the process and answer all of your questions. 报告与第九条怀孕权利和住宿有关的问题或关切

歧视:基于过去或现在的父母身份而对某人的歧视, 妊娠及相关情况, 婚姻状况是违反西方政策和联邦法律的. Those who believe they were subject to discrimination may file a complaint or contact the Title IX Coordinator, 通用电气稳索, 电话:608-785-9444或 vangg@ainprest.com 或第九章副协调员玛吉·克罗格曼,电话608-785-9880或 krogmanm@ainprest.com.



加拿大28 (Western) is committed to building and preserving an educational and workplace environment where students and employees can learn and work together free from discrimination, 所有福利的骚扰和报复, 项目, 和活动. To ensure Western’s commitment to fostering an environment built on a foundation of integrity, 团队合作, 和尊重, 学院已经制定了内部政策和程序,提供了一个提示, 公平, and impartial process for complaints of discrimination and 骚扰 on the basis of Protected Characteristics, 还有关于报复的投诉. Western is committed to ensuring compliance with federal and state civil rights and First Amendment laws and regulations. 


校园性犯罪预防法案 (section 1601 of Public Law 106-386) is a federal law enacted in 2000 that provides for the registration and notification of convicted sex offenders enrolled at or employed by institutions of higher education. 《加拿大28》(经CSCPA修订)规定, any person required to register as part of a state sex offender registration program must notify the state regarding each institution of higher education in which the person is an employee or student. Sex offender information in the State of Wisconsin is compiled by the Department of Corrections (DOC). To learn the identity of registered sex offenders on or near campus, or anywhere in Wisconsin, visit http://offender.doc.state.wi.us/public/. 在明尼苏达州,请访问 http://por.state.mn.us/OffenderSearch.html. 在爱荷华州,参观 http://www.iowasexoffender.com/.

登记性犯罪者, 谁是西方学校的学生, 有义务通知学生教务处(Kumm Center ?, Room 100) that they are attending a class or a program at the college and are registered with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections or appropriate state registration agency. Failure to notify the college is deemed to be a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and is subject to possible conduct sanctions. A student is defined as any person who attends and/or is enrolled in any classes or program at the College. 登记性犯罪者, 谁是西方的员工, are obligated to notify the Human Resources Office as part of their background check requirement for employment.

Western will publish links to the above listed websites to share information about registered sexual offenders reported to Western as being enrolled, 或受雇于学院. 这些信息由当地执法部门提供给学院. 学院不独立核实性犯罪者登记信息, 它也不对其准确性负责. Unlawful use of the information for purposes of 恐吓 or 骚扰 is prohibited.


如果你不安全, 或者如果你需要紧急帮助:拨打911或西部安全办公室608-785-9191.